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September 10, 2007

Podcast #10 Show Notes

In this episode I answer some questions from Rich in San Diego about the weight of the EOS 1D Mark III and file sizes.

Here are the stats mentioned in the podcast:


1D Mark III 40.7 oz 1155 Grams
Battery 6.3 oz 180 grams
Total 47 oz 1335

30D 24.7 oz 700 grams
Battery 4.0 oz 115 grams
Battery 4.0 oz 115 grams
Batt Grip 10.2 Oz 289 grams
Total 43 oz 1219 grams

Difference 4 ounces

RAW 13MB 3888x2592
sRAW 7.6MB 1936x1288 (about 2.5MP)
JPEG Large 3.5 3888x2592